Babies & Toddlers
Can you homeschool if you have a baby or toddler (or both)? Of course! Here are some ideas and tips to help you navigate your day with little ones around.
Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers
Homeschooling With Toddlers
Homeschooling with toddlers can be a challenge--especially if you're trying to do "school at home", but they are also a precious blessing and provide your homeschool with excitement, enthusiasm, laughter, joy and freedom from boredom and dull routine! This article discusses some great ideas and tips to make sharing your homeschooling experience with your little ones a pleasure.
Teach with Babies and Toddlers on the Hip
Advice and encouragement for anyone who is homeschooling with small children.
How to Keep Your Toddler Entertained While You Are Homeschooling
Ideas for keeping your little ones entertained so that you have time to spend helping your older children.
Activity Ideas for Preschoolers
If you have ever tried to teach your older kids and deal with a toddler too, you know that life can get pretty complicated and noisy. While one child is asking for your help with algebra, another needs guidance with diagramming sentences, and the three year old is wanting to "do school too. Don't panic! Other homeschoolers have been through this too. This list of activities can help you calm the storm.
Ideas - Activities
Here are a few ideas for Home Schooling with pre-schoolers.
Tips for Frazzled Homeschool Moms
Any homeschooling family with more than one child knows the challenge of keeping “Baby Kong” from tearing apart the house during school time. These tips help with how to deal with those unruly toddlers and make it through this difficult and often exhausting stage of homeschool life.
The Baby IS The Lesson
Diane Hopkins shares the joys of realizing that both she and her children could learn and grow with the gift of having a new baby around during their daily life and homeschooling time.
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