What do you do when you are overwhelmed and feel like you can't do everything all by yourself? Join a co-op! Co-ops pull together the resources, strengths, and gifts of several people to help provide a more diverse, complete, and rewarding educational experience for your children.
Starting and Running a Homeschool Co-Op
Homeschool Co-operatives and Support Groups
A discussion of the advantages and potential problems of participating and running a co-op. Written from the perspective of a UK homeschooling parent.
The Story of Two Desperate, Burned Out, Homeschool Moms
Robin Bray shares the story of innovation and creativity in approaching homeschooling burn out, and how these creative ideas led to the creation of a co-op.
American Montessori Homeschoolers Co-op
A forum for communication for organized or established co-op's and individuals interested in organizing a Montessori Homeschool Co-op. Established Co-op's can share ideas and those interested in creating a co-op can get valuable advice and information.
Starting a Homeschool Co-Operative Overseas
Includes tips and ideas for starting a formal co-operative learning environment for the special situation of overseas living.
Starting a Homeschool Cooperative
Many homeschoolers have found that involvement with a homeschool cooperative enhances their homeschooling experience. Some children thrive with the small group experience, so enrolling them in some group activities and classes will nurture that need. Keeping classes and activities small enables families to reap the benefits of the classroom setting with none of the drawbacks. Volunteers can serve as helpers and aides, keeping the ratio of student to adult low, as recommended by educational research. This article discusses some tips for starting a homeschool cooperative.
Starting & Running a Homeschool Co-Op
Homeschool Co-operatives and Support Groups
A discussion of the advantages and potential problems of participating and running a co-op. Written from the perspective of a UK homeschooling parent.
The Story of Two Desperate, Burned Out, Homeschool Moms
Robin Bray shares the story of innovation and creativity in approaching homeschooling burn out, and how these creative ideas led to the creation of a co-op.
American Montessori Homeschoolers Co-op
A forum for communication for organized or established co-op's and individuals interested in organizing a Montessori Homeschool Co-op. Established Co-op's can share ideas and those interested in creating a co-op can get valuable advice and information.
Starting a Homeschool Co-Operative Overseas
Includes tips and ideas for starting a formal co-operative learning environment for the special situation of overseas living.
Starting a Homeschool Cooperative
Many homeschoolers have found that involvement with a homeschool cooperative enhances their homeschooling experience. Some children thrive with the small group experience, so enrolling them in some group activities and classes will nurture that need. Keeping classes and activities small enables families to reap the benefits of the classroom setting with none of the drawbacks. Volunteers can serve as helpers and aides, keeping the ratio of student to adult low, as recommended by educational research. This article discusses some tips for starting a homeschool cooperative.
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100 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum: Choosing The Right Curriculum And Approach For Your Child's Learning Style
The key to successful home education is determining your educational philosophy and linking it to your child’s learning style. Then you can make an informed decision in choosing the right educational curriculum for the child. Homeschool guru Cathy Duffy can help you accomplish these critical tasks, with her top choices from every subject area, approaching everything through a Christian worldview perspective.
Please Don't Drink the Holy Water
Susie Lloyd faces the trials and joy of raising a happy, active Catholic family.
Alpha Phonics is a primer for beginning readers. It features 128 self-explanatory lessons, printed in large, clear calligraphy suitable for beginning readers. You'll find product information about Alpha-Phonics here.
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education
In this book, Laura Berquist offers a curriculum based on the philosophy of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This valuable tools helps home educators craft a liberal arts curriculum that is good for both the soul and the intellect. The material in the book covers grades K-12 and has detailed and practical advice. There is also a section for a high school curriculum and a list of resources.
Should I Home School?: How to Decide What's Right for You & Your Child
Have questions about homeschooling? This book has the answers. The information in this book will help you decide if homeschooling is right for you and your child.