North Carolina Homeschooling

Join us as we explore homeschooling in North Carolina. You'll find support groups, teaching tips, stories of successful homeschoolers, events, discussions of homeschooling methods, and much, much more.

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Growth in the Number of North Carolina Homeschoolers
The figures for North Carolina come from a database Web page maintained by the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education, the official reporting authority.
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Stretched over 70 miles of barrier islands, Cape Hatteras National Seashore is a fascinating combination of natural and cultural resources, and provides a wide variety of recreational opportunities. Once dubbed the "Graveyard of the Atlantic" for its treacherous currents, shoals, and storms, Cape Hatteras has a wealth of history relating to shipwrecks, lighthouses, and the U.S. Lifesaving Service. These dynamic islands provide a variety of habitats and are a valuable wintering area for migrating...
Homeschool Alliance of North Carolina Email List
Established in 2003, the Homeschool Alliance of North Carolina (HA- NC) is a grassroots network of independent homeschooling families in North Carolina. This email group offers members statewide a networking forum to connect with other homeschoolers in NC.
ATC Educatinal Services
ATC Educational Services was established to provide professional services for homeschooling families in North Carolina. Offers the Woodcock-Johnson-III test and consulting for parents and educators.
§ 115C-557. Standardized testing requirements.
Each qualified nonpublic school shall administer, at least once in each school year, a nationally standardized test or other nationally standardized equivalent measurement selected by the chief administrative officer of such school, to all students enrolled or regularly attending grades three, six and nine. The nationally standardized test or other equivalent measurement selected must measure achievement in the areas of English grammar, reading, spelling and mathematics. Each school shall make a...
§ 115C-558. High school competency testing.
To assure that all high school graduates possess those minimum skills and that knowledge thought necessary to function in society, each qualified nonpublic school shall administer at least once in each school year, a nationally standardized test or other nationally standardized equivalent measure selected by the chief administrative officer of such school, to all students enrolled and regularly attending the eleventh grade. The nationally standardized test or other equivalent measurement selecte...
North Carolina Standard Course of Study
This web page serves as a curriculum terminal from which you can travel to specific goals and objectives based on discipline and grade level. This service provides a convenient way for teachers, administrators, and parents to verify the instructional objectives of the Standard Course of Study at a given grade and subject area.
Georgia Governor's Honors Program
The Georgia Governor’s Honors Program (GHP) is a residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students who will be rising juniors and seniors during the program. The program offers instruction that is significantly different from the typical high school classroom and that is designed to provide students with academic, cultural, and social enrichment necessary to become the next generation of global critical thinkers, innovators, and leaders.
Blue Ridge Parkway
The Blue Ridge Parkway, sometimes called "America's Favorite Drive", provides both stunning scenery and close-up looks at the natural and cultural history of the southern Appalachian mountains. It is designed as a drive-awhile and stop-awhile experience. The Parkway meanders for 469 miles and connects Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks, providing ample opportunities for stops at overlooks, picnic and camping facilities, trails, and wonderful cultural and natural areas.
Homeschool Alliance of North Carolina (HA- NC)
Established in 2003, the Homeschool Alliance of North Carolina (HA- NC) is a grass roots, statewide advocacy group supporting independent homeschooling families in North Carolina.
CM Families of the South
The purpose of this loop is to encourage homeschooling families living in the Southern states who are trying to incorporate the philosophy of Charlotte Mason in their homes in their efforts to raise their children with an enthusiasm for learning.
NC Secular Homeschool Network
Email list for homeschoolers in North Carolina, regardless of religious affiliation.
Larry Delconte v. State of North Carolina (1985)
The North Carolina General Assembly (like other state legislatures in the late 1970's and during the 1980's) enacted new laws in 1979 de-regulating non-public schools. The Delconte case heard by the North Carolina Supreme Court was the landmark court case concerning that legislation. It officially opened the "legal doors" in modern times to the concept of home instruction.
Wright Brothers National Memorial
The first successful sustained powered flights in a heavier-than-air machine were made here by Wilbur and Orville Wright on December 17, 1903. A 60-foot granite monument dedicated in 1932, is perched atop 90-foot tall Kill Devil Hill commemorating the achievement of these two visionaries from Dayton, Ohio. A visit should include touring the museum exhibits, participating in a ranger conducted program, touring the reconstructed camp buildings and first flight trail area, and a climb up Kill Devil...
Georgia Homeschool Network
This Facebook group offers a place where homeschool families can come together and stay up-to-day on what's going on in the homeschool world in Georgia. 
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Please Don't Drink the Holy Water
Susie Lloyd faces the trials and joy of raising a happy, active Catholic family.
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education
In this book, Laura Berquist offers a curriculum based on the philosophy of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This valuable tools helps home educators craft a liberal arts curriculum that is good for both the soul and the intellect...
Elementary Geography
Elementary Geography is a reprint of the original work by Charlotte Mason. It includes her ideas about teaching children about their world, with poetry selections throughout the book. Explores ideas of place from space to our earth, seasons, map...
Drawn Into the Heart of Reading
Drawn Into the Heart of Reading was developed for use with students of multiple ages at the same time, perfect for the homeschooling family. It is designed for use as an entire reading program or as a supplement to an existing program for students in...
A History of Science
A History of Science is not a textbook, but is a guide to help parents and children study science through literature. It is intended for children in elementary grades.